Confessions of Thomas Mann, Confidence Man


Confessions of Thomas Mann, Confidence Man




90 Mins


Directed by: André Schäfer
Written by: Jascha Hannover and Hartmut Kasper
Starring: Sebastian Schneider
Cinematography: Janis Mazuch
Editor. Fritz Busse
Music: Daphna Keenan
Costume: Lara Maria Kainz
Producer: Gerogina Hillebrand Perry
Production: Florianfilm GmbH


Theatrical Release by Mindjazz Pictures, Nov 2024

Supported by

Film and Medienstiftung NRW Die Bundesministerin für Kultur und Medien MOIN Filmförderung HSH DFFF

Thomas Mann worked on his novel “Confessions of Felix Krull, Confidence Man” for almost 50 years. In no other work did the writer incorporate so many of his personal longings, sexual desires and fears. From a kaleidoscope of exclusively original quotes and fictional scenes, CONFESSIONS OF THOMAS MANN is a cinematic homage to the man behind the myth of Thomas Mann and the impostor in each of us.